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Transfer and Service

The Transfer and Service Center acts as an interface between the research topics of methodology and the application areas in the project. Both sides yield a big variety of experience with a focus on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, including Big Data. ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig has developed strong regional, national, and international collaboration networks in science and industry. In these areas, we continuously foster and welcome collaborations as well as ideas for collaboration.

Through the overview of topics by the employees of the Transfer and Service Center, relevant solutions and concepts from the research topics can be addressed and conveyed in research inquiries. Including providing support in the construction of the whole data processing pipeline, use of HPC, and the overall computational approach. At the same time, the research partners gain insights into new fields of application, for example from inquiries. This allows new research impulses to be passed on to the respective areas. New projects/collaborations benefit from existing expertise in the project, and our research program can be continuously expanded.

Transfer projects

Our employees identify relevant solutions and concepts from the research areas of the center and address research requests from industry partners in the area of Big Data and AI in joint pilot projects.


In addition to scientific consulting, our service center offers training in the area of AI, Big Data, and High Performance Computing (HPC) and enables partners the use of AI and HPC resources.

Consulting and Support

Do you have specific problems or ideas for a joint project? The Service Center offers comprehensive consulting and cooperation opportunities in the field of Big Data and High Performance Computing (HPC). Please get in touch with our service and transfer team. An initial consultation can be arranged by e-mail at any time.

Software Services

The provisioning of highly specific AI environments on our large high-quality compute infrastructure for diverse types of applications often requires support for non-expert users. ScaDS.AI developed a number of generic and scalable data services and software tools. These services can be used by application partners and are regularly the basis for collaborative research projects.

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.