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Living Lab

Welcome to the Living Lab of ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig: A place to experience AI, learn about it and start a conversation. A Living Lab has been created in both Leipzig and Dresden. The labs are approaching our main research topics of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Data Science in a diverse and vibrant way. With this experiment space, a user-centered ecosystem was created that is designed to share current and topical research approaches and results of our center with visitors.

Practical and everyday problems as well as questions in dealing with new digital technologies are in the focus as well as finding innovative approaches for business and industry. New methods and research results are communicated with and evaluated by our visitors from different target groups. With that, diverse opinions can be immediately included in our research and innovation process. In this context, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig organizes a number of events for the public in the Living Lab:

Photo. Jörn Hoffmann and Josephine talking to each other. (Jan Ewald and Oliver Welz in the background)
© Swen Reichhold, Universität Leipzig

Living Lab

You want to know more about the Living Lab concept?


Find out about guided tours, workshops, formats and training courses.

Behind the scenes

Get an insight into our research areas, AI, data science and learn more about the technology

Event series

Photo. Participants of the first Your Tech Stories event.

Your Tech Stories

Your Tech Stories offers a dynamic platform for individuals to share their passion projects in a free format, choosing between presentations, demos, or hands-on experiences. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, scientific employee or tech-enthusiast.

Hands-On Demonstrator Series

The Hands-On Demonstrator Series is about showcasing the latest accomplishments, discoveries, improvements and educational tools of the ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig team in the fields of AI, Big Data and Data Science.

Marzan Tasnim Oyshi presenting FloodVis at the Hands-On Demonstrator Series in 2024 at COSMO Wissenschaftsforum.

Hackathon Series

The Living Lab invites you to take part in our Hackathon Series with a wide range of topics. In those events, you will work together with an interdisciplinary team of other participants to solve interesting problems in the areas of Artifiicial Intelligence, Big Data and Computer Science. 

Lecture Series

Voice assistants, cloud services, and smart applications: the future technologies of Artificial Intelligence are playing an increasingly important role in many areas of society, especially research. In our interdisciplinary online lecture series, current and topical issues are examined from different perspectives.

Collage. Impressions from different Living Lab Lecture Series events.


Take the opportunity to discover new perspectives, have inspiring conversations and explore potential collaborations at the Meetup. This dynamic exchange platform for local and regional stakeholders offers fascinating insights into our cutting-edge research and invites you to network in a relaxed athmosphere.

Visit us

Photo. Living Lab in Leipzig.

Living Lab Leipzig
Löhrs Carrè

Humboldtstr. 25
04105 Leipzig

Photo. Living Lab in Dresden.

Living Lab Dresden
Andreas Pfitzmann Bau

Nöthnitzer Str. 46
01187 Dresden

funded by:
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Gefördert vom Freistaat Sachsen.